Training & Development of Julphar team for “Effective Goal Setting”
Julphar’s training division, Julphar Training Centre (JTC) in communication with Etisalat Academy (as per Absher initiative) hosted an interesting and highly interactive "Effective Goal Setting Training Course" on the 23-24 July, 2017. This is with regards to our government and Julphar management commitment and continuous support to develop and empower our UAE nationals (Absher group).
Famous studies illustrate that goal setting, autosuggestion and correct formulation of goals can significantly boost productivity and quality of life. Knowing goals also helps leaders to share them with their teams so everyone knows where they are heading.
This course was not just about setting goals, it was also about using effective techniques to achieve them. Sessions were designed to help delegates explore goal setting from many angles, using associations, visual techniques, roles, mind maps and many more. Delegates also participated in exercises on goal formulation to learn about the best ways to express their goals and therefore increase their chances of achieving them.
Julphar Executive Director “Ms. Fatema Nayea” commented: “To accomplish your goals, however, you need to know how to set them. You can't simply say, "I want" and expect it to happen. Goal setting is a process that starts with careful consideration of what you want to achieve, and ends with a lot of hard work to actually do it”.