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  • Types of Training
In-House Training
Training is not just for new employees. JTC continues to upgrade the skills & update the knowledge of current employees, which will help them adjust to changes in their job requirements. 
JTC always ready & able through our available specialized personnel and competent training team to hold both hard skills (technical and safety) besides soft skills (communication & management, customer satisfaction & servicing, sales & marketing) trainings. Doing this while employees are on the job reinforces learning, and effective implementation.
Julphar Mentoring & Coaching
High-rated successful employees are invited & involved in teaching skills to their colleagues (peers-learning and exchange of experience).
External Training
JTC offers out-of-house training, by sending employees to seminars, conferences, college courses or workshops. Such training opportunities can be seen as a reward, big motive and inspiring tool for superb employees.
Academic Student Training
JTC is recognized for its leading pharmaceutical technology and state-of-the-art facilities. JTC has a role in developing the next generation of healthcare leaders and in fulfilling the required needs to meet future challenges and demands.
We offer various on-site training and orientation that covers pharmaceutical manufacturing of various dosage forms, quality assurance, quality control, materials planning, biotechnology, packaging and marketing. 
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